Sean has been asking to "do dishes, Mommy". Nearly every night, he wants to do the dishes. Can you believe this? My, goodness... has God sent an Angel down to answer ALL my prayers? Please Lord, let this last for the next 16 years.... pleeeeaseeee.... Man, I love this lad. He's so awesome, and not just because he likes to do the dishes...

Sean has also taken up Photography. This is one of the first photos he has taken. Me, Daddy, and the top of Beau's head. :)

This is just random. But this is our "reverse mohawk" bush. Steve ran out of clipper battery and the bush looked like this for about 3 days. I came home one day and thought we had be vandalized! I had to take a couple pictures of this. Mostly because one of my awesome neighbors HATES "bush-balls". (fyi, a bush ball is any bush that has been attacked by an army of landscapers, and forced to conform to a generic, unnatural, round or foot-stool, formation. So of course I had to call her right away to see if she had witnessed the HAKES' PROTEST of BUSH-BALL-scaping. (of course we had to fix the bush... and it now is perfectly rounded and back to irritating the Allan Family. LOL)