A favorite childhood memory of mine, was building tents in the living room out of sheet. My sister and I would use broomsticks to prop up the middle, the couch, any type of heavy book to hold ends of the sheet (usually phone books) whatever we could gather. Today, while folding laundry, I decided to pass on the tradition with Sean... so we gathered our materials and put together our tent.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tent City
A favorite childhood memory of mine, was building tents in the living room out of sheet. My sister and I would use broomsticks to prop up the middle, the couch, any type of heavy book to hold ends of the sheet (usually phone books) whatever we could gather. Today, while folding laundry, I decided to pass on the tradition with Sean... so we gathered our materials and put together our tent.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Swim test, passed with flying colors
Swim test consists of a series of skills dressed in full clothes, socks, shoes and a REGULAR diaper (mom's know how much those things absorb and how much they weight when they are completely full... wow). They do not practice in these clothes, only test. The purpose is to simulate if the child were to fall into a pool or body of water by accident. Sean did GREAT~!
Sean, calmly laying in his float, fully clothed. I'm so proud!
ISR (Infant Swim Resource), is an amazing program! I highly recommend it to everyone I know with small children. Start them EARLY, as babies. This is Sean's 2nd season, and surprisingly he did not forget everything from last summer. They start teaching babies as young as 6 months. Sean started at 14 months.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
First Performance
Tonight, Sean had his first performance. There was an audience of about 16 parents. I'm not sure that we'll be seeing "Broadway" in Sean's near future, but he did pick up interest by the time we got to the last few verses of the last song. I had to break the video recording into portions, so I'm not sure it's on this one or not. We really love his daycare family, all the kids and Miss Frances are wonderful.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
great moments
It's so much fun. He's so curious and so smart. He is learning. He is hearing me tell him how to pronounce certain words, and he practices repeating them after me. It's amazing to me that his mind is working so hard to expand. I even thought to myself the other day... "I can't believe I'm able to teach him". Before I was a parent, I wondered how Parents knew how and what to teach children. I didn't know if I'd be good at it. But come to find out, it's just something that happens everyday, every step of the day and week. It's just a constant communication every moment. Some moments, hours, days, weeks are spent talking ONLY about TRUCKS.. and ALL THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF TRUCKS we see everyday on the road... TRASH TRUCKS, TRACTOR TRUCKS, BIG TRUCKS, more TRASH TRUCKS (he really likes the trash truck) I was really becoming concerned that he'd learn nothing more than truck talk. But he's coming around, and quickly.
The other day, we were shopping and their was a baby crying a couple aisle over. Sean looked at me and said "what's that mommy?", I said, "oh.. that babies not happy..." Sean looked at me and said, "I HAPPY, MOMMY!" I said, "You're happy Sean?" he said, "uh huh..." and grabbed me by the side of the face and hugged me.