Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010
Kissing Bandit
So tonight, it was time for bed... I walked Sean upstairs for the standard routine. We climbed up into the chair for a cup of milk and a little signing time. But my young lad, was not so interested in going to sleep. So he turned around facing me on my lap and wanted to point to all the features on my face, attempting to call each by their name, hoping to engage me in the game... which of course I did. But then it was time for sleep. So I said, "shhhhh, it's time for night-night.." Sean whispers to me, "... mommy...." *pause* ".... mommy...." *pause* "MOMMY!!!" (I'm pretending to be asleep) he kisses me, hoping to wake me up. I don't respond. He kisses me again... I let me head fall to the side. He's now PERSISTENT on kissing me. I said, "ok, Sean, that's enough, Thank You, I love you but it's time for night-night". This launches him into full KISSING ATTACK. Well, now I can't stop laughing.. where did this come from? Where did he learn this? (he's so clever... what he's really doing is keeping me engaged with him... and that's all he really wants.) This game went on for a good 10 minutes. I just couldn't believe it.. this (almost) 2 yr old Casanova, was trying to work me. (and it worked!) God, I love this boy.
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010, New Year ... Let's make it good.
Well, today starts the New Year of 2010. As most, I'm glad to see 2009 gone, and in the past. It was one heck of a challenging year. But one thing that I'll take from all the experiences, is that "we" (you and I) are much stronger for having gone through all those ups and downs. I've always believed that "everything happens for a reason", and as difficult as it is to keep that top of mind while in the midst of it all... it really does. People have said to us, "you have angles watching over you guys"... and I know that we do. We all do. We just have to believe, pray, and trust.
I'm sure that 2010 will present it's own set of difficult decisions and challenges... but we'll make it through. Right now I'm just praying for the good health of my family and loved ones and the opportunity for improved finances for all of us that are trying to recoup from this past year's fall-out.
I'm starting 2010 with a fresh mind and hopeful heart. I hope you will too.
I'm sure that 2010 will present it's own set of difficult decisions and challenges... but we'll make it through. Right now I'm just praying for the good health of my family and loved ones and the opportunity for improved finances for all of us that are trying to recoup from this past year's fall-out.
I'm starting 2010 with a fresh mind and hopeful heart. I hope you will too.
We spent a good portion of Christmas vacation POTTY TRAINING... It actually turned out to be alot of fun. It was very nice to have all the extra helping hands to help with the task. We set the timer for every 20 minutes and when the bell rang, everyone yelled "POTTY TIME!!" and Sean bolted to the bathroom to sit on the potty for a little pee-pee, and the reward of an M&M afterward. He was quite proud of himself... and we were all very proud of him as well. We were not successful with the attempts for poop, but that could have been stage fright, since he had an audience for each attempt. :) In this picture, our little turkey got away without his undies or pants... Thank goodness, Aunt - t was quick with the swoop and caught him.
Christmas 2009
All tuckered out... Pop Pop and Sean snuggle up in the chair for a movie to relax.
Cool new shades, Cool new circus tent, Cool new jammies and Cool new truck to play with. Sean really seemed to enjoy Christmas this year.
Nana and Grandpa Dan got Sean an art easle for Christmas. Sean thinks the eraser looks tasty to eat.
Cool new shades, Cool new circus tent, Cool new jammies and Cool new truck to play with. Sean really seemed to enjoy Christmas this year.
Nana and Grandpa Dan got Sean an art easle for Christmas. Sean thinks the eraser looks tasty to eat.
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